
Text books

In the University of Urbino's libraries you can find all the text books indicated in the course Syllabus (Vademecum). These books are always available for consultation inside the library, but they are not available for loan, unless there is an additional copy. To consult these textbooks, ask the staff at the library’s entrance desk. 

Moreover many text books are available in electronic format on the Pandoracampus, Edra and Zanichelli platforms. Students with disabilities or with specific learning disorders (SLD) can request textbooks in accessible formats.

Resources for the exams

In our libraries you can find resources (dictionaries, available in all libraries, and periodic tables in the Scientific Library) that can be borrowed for a short-term loan of one day, so that they can be used during exams.

To request this short-term loan, please go to the front desk of the library of your choice.

Research services and support

The library staff is available to assist students in their bibliographic research, either in person or through the Ask the Library service. 

The online catalogue allows students to reserch the resources independently: you just have to enter the search criterias, such as the author, the title, or the publisher. 

Scrolling the results you can identify the book you are searching for, the library that owns it, and the availability of the book for loan. 

Remote access through a Proxy

To access the digital resources provided by the University of Urbino outside of campus, it is necessary to activate the library proxy.

Loan and renewal

In order to borrow books, the registration for library services is needed: it can be processed either in person or through the Ask the Library service. 

Students can borrow up to 10 books simultaneously for a period of 30 days. The loans can be renewed for an additional 30 days: the request can be made in person, by email, by phone or through the Ask the Library service.

Reserve a book

If the book you would like to borrow is already on loan to another user, you can reserve it by contacting the library staff in person or through the Ask the Library service.

Interlibrary loan of books and scientific papers

It is possible to request from other libraries, both in Italy and abroad, books and scientific papers not owned by Urbino University libraries.

This service is usually free of charge, however sometimes can be requested a reimbursement of the expenses; so we invite you to carefully check our catalogue before requesting a book or an article to other libraries.

The service is available by contacting the library staff in person or through the Ask the Library service.

Services for readers with disabilities

The University of Urbino's Settore Biblioteche di Ateneo aims to promote inclusivity and ensure the right to study for all its students. Here you can find information about all the services and tools available.

Final dissertation - bibliographic research support

The library staff is available to assist students in their bibliographic research for the final dissertation (thesis). You can request an appointment, either in-person or online, through the Ask at the Library service.