Special Collections

Cesare Questa


1.1 Library 

Biblioteca Universitaria San Girolamo

1.2 Collection name  

Cesare Questa

1.3 Biographical notes

Cesare Questa was born in Milan on October 29, 1934. He was one of the leading scholars of Plautine theater and held the position of Latin Language and Literature professor at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo for decades. He was, as well, a member of the Accademia dei Lincei and an honorary citizen of Sarsina (Plautus' birth place), where he established the Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates. He focused his studies especially on authors like Plautus and Terence: he analyzed their work both from a stylistic and a metric perspective. His research contributed to a better understanding of their works and the context they came from; he had also an interdisciplinary approach considering the meter as a fundamental aspect for interpreting and appreciating Latin poetry.

His work on Latin meter engaged the complex rhythmic structures of ancient verses, with a detailed analysis helpful to deepen the understanding on how Latin poets constructed their compositions. These studies were essential for the understanding of the sound and rhythm of Latin poetry, essential elements to get the full meaning of the text and its emotional impact. 

He began working for the University of Urbino in 1963, where he was taught Latin Literature for many years, eventually becoming a professor emeritus. Here, he founded Istituto di Civiltà Antiche in 1970: here a substantial library collection was collected, with a focus on his favorite authors, Plautus and Terence.

In 1996, he created Centro Internazionale di Studi Plautini. He spent a lot of energies organizing conferences and lectures, and he published numerous studies on Latin comedy and archaic Latin. He also published several critical editions. 

During his time in Urbino, Cesare Questa influenced the methods of teaching and research in the field of classical studies. He converged his passion for classical philology and his love for opera, to enrich his lectures and stimulate students’ interest in creating connections between ancient texts and modern artistic forms.  In the field of Latin theater, Questa's work on Terence and Plautus casted a light on the art of comedy, bringing up the stylistic and thematic innovations of the two authors within the context of Roman theatre tradition. His interdisciplinary approach helped retrieving multiple layers of meaning in ancient texts, making his research a valuable resource for scholars and students of classical literature and performing arts. 

Cesare Questa passed away in Urbino on February 4, 2016.

1.4 Date and methods of acquisition

The Cesare Questa Collectionn was donated to the University of Urbino Carlo Bo by the heirs in 2016, after the owner's passing.

1.5 Collection history

The collection consists of Cesare Questa’s the personal library and includes, apart from the works of the author, collections related to classical philology: Latin metrics, history, and criticism of Latin literature, Latin writers with a particular focus on Plautus and Terence..

1.6 Collection increase

No further material is expected to be added to the collection.

1.7 Collection indexing

The volumes are sheved based on the author in FQ-01 (where the works of Latin authors are preserved). In FQ-02, works of literary criticism are collected, and FQ-03 contains various works not related to classical philology studies.

1.8 Collection accessibility

The collection, catalogued and made available to the public, can be accessed online and on open shelves.


2.1 Extent

The collection consists of  2.341 monographs.

2.2 Description identifier, organization, and placement

The collection has been divided by subject according to the following locations:

2.3 State of conservation

Well preserved.


3.1 Bibliography and documentation

Main works by Cesare Questa

Centro Teatrale Universitario “Cesare Questa”


4.1 Special notes and reports



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Enrica Veterani