Special Collections

Giovanni Gualandi


1.1 Library  

Biblioteca di Giurisprudenza e Scienze Politiche

1.2 Collection name 

Fondo Giovanni Gualandi

1.3 Notizie su possessore 

Giovanni Gualandi was born in Bologna on September 19, 1927.  He graduated in Bologna in 1949 with Edoardo Volterra, professor of Roman Law Institutions, and he became his assistant professor. Later as full professor Gualandi went to Parma first and then to Urbino, staying there for twenty years. In Urbino, he became Appellate Judge of the Republic of San Marino, having the chance to make good use of his extensive knowledge of common law. He basically created the chair of Sammarinese law and he carried out the teaching for 21 years, from 1973 to 1994. With the official support of Professor Remo Martini, Professor Gualandi created the necessary contacts with the Republic of San Marino for an agreement that granted financial support to the University and established a convention for the teaching. 

Gualandi was a professor of the University of Urbino from 1965 to 1996 and held the position of Facoltà di Giurisprudenza for fourteen years. Then he concluded his career at the University of Bologna. 

He arrived at the University of Urbino in 1962, as professor of “exegesis of sources of Italian law”, then, on October 17, 1962, he got the habilitation to teach “Roman law”. In 1964 he became an extraordinary professor in “history of Roman law”, then – in 1967 –he was appointed full professor. He was elected Dean of the Facoltà di Giurisprudenza from 1970 to 1972 and then again from 1976 to 1986. He passed away on December 10, 2004.

1.4 Date and methods of acquisition

His family, his sister Giuliana and his brother Giuseppe, respecting his wishes, donated to Facoltà di Giurisprudenza of the University of Urbino his entire collection of legal and historical books, both ancient and modern.

1.5 Collection history

Professor Gualandi’s library is very different from the collections of other professors. It is a small collection, limited to his scientific interests: common law, with a focus on sources and history. There is also a small group of book (about fifty volumes) on San Marino. Of particular interest are an extensive folio volume by Bartolo da Sassoferrato, many works by Justinian, Marcus Tullius Cicero, and four Civil Codes of Napoleon. Another section includes dictionaries and lexicons, as proof of Gualandi’s interest for refined language, whether it was Italian or a foreign language. Moreover a section of the collection consists of works regarding his hometown, Bologna.

1.6 Collection increase

No further material is expected to be added to the collection.

1.7 Collection indexing

The collection was given to the University without any kind of documentation. 

Now the catalogue is available for consultation:

1.8 Collection accessibility

The collection, catalogued and made available to the public, can be accessed online and on open shelves.


2.1 Extent

The collection consists of 2,819 modern books (1,659 miscellanies), and 165 ancient books, mainly published in the sixteenth century. Of the latter, at least twenty-five are from before 1520. All volumes have been labeled with the location FGG, so they can be traced back to the donation.

2.2 Description identifier, organization, and placement

The collection is divided into the following locations:

2.3 State of conservation

Well preserved.


3.1 Bibliography and documentation


4.1 Special notes and reports





Patrizia Bastianelli