Special Collections

Rolando Bacchielli


1.1 Library  

Biblioteca di Lingue e Letterature Straniere “Leone Traverso"

1.2 Collection name  

Rolando Bacchielli

1.3 Biographical notes 

Rolando Bacchielli (Urbino 1927 - Pestum 2011) was an English language and literature professor of Facoltà di Magistero at the University of Urbino from 1951 and to 1991, then up until 1997 at Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature straniere. Within his university courses, he covered various topics including the history of the English language, American English, English prosody and metrics, the evolution of the novel in English literature, English phonetics, composition, translation and conversation, verb syntax, fundamental sentence structures in English and Italian, terminology and commercial correspondence, and phrasal verbs.

His studies though went beyond his teaching, especially after retirement: as a scholar of the local dialect, he constantly and deeply engaged with urban issues, particularly focusing on the prominent figures of Urbino in the 18th and 19th centuries. Moreover as a member of the Raffaello Academy he promoted initiatives that aimed to spread the work of the Urbino humanist Polidoro Virgili through writings and a conference.

1.4 Date and methods of acquisition

The Rolando Bacchielli Collection was donated by his heirs.

1.5 Collection history

The collection holds approximately 1,200 monographs and it was donated by the heirs to the Biblioteca di Lingue e Letterature Straniere “Leone Traverso" of the University of Urbino after the sudden death of Rolando Bacchielli. It was accepted by order of the Dean of Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Professor Anna Teresa Ossani, with a request addressed to the General Director Prot. n. 333/2012 dated 9/11/2012. The material was then transferred, stored in 25 boxes, from Bacchielli’s private residence to the office of the librarian, Dr. Michele Bartolucci. He was the one who proceeded to inventory and catalog the texts of specific interest regarding English literature, criticism, grammatical and linguistic studies, and the history of the English language. The material related to local history was placed at the Biblioteca “Ubaldini” of the Pro Loco Urbino.

1.6 Collection increase

No further material is expected to be added to the collection.

1.7 Collection indexing

The monographs have been all catalogued, and the catalogue is available for consultation on the National Library System (opac.sbn.it) and the Polo SBN Marche Nord and on the University's Opac.

1.8 Collection accessibility  

The collection, catalogued and made available to the public, can be accessed at the following address: Access the catalogue


2.1 Extent

The collection holds 1,089 monographic units.

2.2 Description identifier, organization, and placemen

Identifier Description

F.Bacchielli  (sigla oclc) Authors

F.Bacchielli 1-A… Series*

F.Bacchielli 2 General critical essays

F.Bacchielli 3 Grammatical and linguistic studies

F.Bacchielli 4 Dictionaries - Lexicons

F.Bacchielli 5 Russian literature and language

*F. Bacchielli    1-A Penguin books

F. Bacchielli 1-B Pelican

F. Bacchielli 1-C Albatross

F. Bacchielli 1-D Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi

F. Bacchielli 1-E Oxford paperbacks

F. Bacchielli 1-F Collins Classics

2.3 State of conservation

Well preserved

2.4 Scope and content

The material in the Rolando Bacchielli Collection shows his activity as a scholar and teacher in the field of English literature, history of the English language, English prosody and metrics, evolution of the novel in English literature, English phonetics, verb syntax, fundamental sentence structures in English and Italian (contrastive analysis investigation), English phrasal verbs. The fund includes encyclopedic dictionaries, lexicons, the Encyclopedia Britannica, and a considerable number of texts on Russian literature.


3.1 Bibliography and documentation

Pro-Urbino website



4.1 Notes and special reports



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Michele Bartolucci