Special Collections

Udo Pillokat


1.1 Library 

Biblioteca di Lingue e Letterature Straniere "Leone Traverso"

1.2 Collection name   

Udo Pillokat

1.3 Biographical notes 

Udo Pillokat (Hamburg, 1943-1999) was a professor of the Theater Directing course at the University of Hamburg.

After attending the Bismarckgymnasium in Hamburg, he graduated in Germanic Philology and German Literature History at the University of Hamburg.

In 1967, he became an assistant to the German Studies chair held by Professor Ulrich Pretzel.

In the summer of 1968, he completed his studies in the USA and Mexico.

He married Beate Wassermann, a painter and Professor of Painting and Design at the University of Applied Sciences for Architecture in Hamburg. 

From 1982 until his death, he was a Professor of Stage Design at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg.

1.4 Date and methods of acquisition

The collection was donated to the University of Urbino by the widow Beate Wassermann in May 2001. The Rector Carlo Bo responded to the donation with a letter to thank her.

1.5 Collection history

The nearly 1,400 books arrived in 18 boxes and were cataloged by Dr. Claudio Fabbri and Dr. Michele Bartolucci. The collection was made available to the public at Biblioteca di Lingue e Letterature Straniere "Leone Traverso"

1.6 Collection increase

No further material is expected to be added to the collection.

1.7 Collection indexing

The monographs have been all catalogued, and the catalogue is available for consultation on the National Library System (opac.sbn.it) and the Polo SBN Marche Nord and on the University's Opac.

1.8 Collection accessibility   

The collection, catalogued and made available to the public, can be accessed at the following address: Access the catalogue


Sono presenti testi di Letteratura Tedesca e di critica letteraria, testi teatrali, cataloghi di mostre.

2.1 Extent

The collection holds 1.400 monographic units.

2.2  Description identifier, organization, and placement

The collection is divided into sections marked by the following locations:

F.Pillokat 01 German literature

F.Pillokat 02 French, English, Spanish, Italian literature 

F.Pillokat 03 Critical essays

F.Pillokat 04 Grammatical and linguistic studies. Lexicons

F.Pillokat 05 Art catalogues

F.Pillokat 06 Series

F.Pillokat Misc. Extracts and periodicals

2.3 Scope and content

German literature, essays, theatrical subjects, art catalogues.

2.4 State of conservation

Well preserved.


3.1 Bibliography and documentation


Access the catalogue


Michele Bartolucci