Special Collections

Beatrice Lentati


1.1 Library  

Biblioteca di Economia e Sociologia 

1.2 Collection name  

Fondo Lentati - Sanfelice di Monteforte

By the will of Dr. Beatrice Lentati, the collection was also named after her husband Dr. Pietro Sanfelice di Monteforte.

1.3 Biographical notes

Beatrice Lentati is the one who brought the professional and ethical fundraising in Italy in the 1970s. She worked as a consultant in fundraising, communication expert, and corporate social responsibility, both in Italy and abroad. Together with Professor Veronesi she developed AIRC and, since 1982, she worked as a consultant for national and international organizations, such as Lega del Filo d’Oro in 1984. Over the years, she helped many hundreds of nonprofit organizations growing. She also directed the ISC’s Master’s program in Communication for NPOs and later established her own fundraising school. She became a member of the boards of Resource Alliance, EUConsult, and other organizations, enhancing the quality and professional approach of fundraising all over the world. She is a consultant in fundraising, communication, corporate social responsibility, and copywriting. Her most recent focuses are donor acquisition, donor management, and legacy campaigns.

1.4 Date and methods of acquisition

The donation was approved by Deliberation No. 393 of the Board of Directors on 21/12/2023.

1.5 Collection history

The collection comes from Lentati’s consulting and research activities from the 1970s to the early 2000s. It holds monographs and documents collected over the years that show her great interest in fundraising, a concept she introduced in Italy after her direct experience with it in England. From the collection we can map her professional relationships and the major projects she worked on (e.g., Lega del Filo d’oro, Fondazione Veronesi).

1.6 Collection increase

No further material is expected to be added to the collection.

1.7 Collection indexing

The monograph collection was given to the University with a list of books together with a card index used for recording loans to other professionals and consultants.  

The documentary collection was given with a summary list by subject prepared by Lentati for the transfer to the University of Urbino. These lists and indexes were from the reconstruction of the collection development over the course of her research activities.

1.8 Collection accessibility

The book collection is accessible through our catalogue. The documentary collection is accessible upon a motivated request.


2.1 Extent

2.2 Description identifier, organization, and placement

Books are marked with stamps from her consulting studio or with her name and address.

The documents were organized describing their state and subject matter, without rearranging the internal order of the envelopes. 

All materials are labeled as follows:


SERIES 1 Magazines 18 envelopes

SERIES 2 Legacy campaigns 4 envelopes

SERIES 3 Fundraising 3 envelopes

SERIES 4 ADV Pages 8 folders

SERIES 5 IFC Amsterdam abstract and samples 4 envelopes

SERIES 6 Training courses and conference 7 envelopes

SERIES 7 Photographic material 1 folders

6 slides plastic containers

1 round slide container

2 slide viewers, diafilm scanner type

SERIES 8 Postal message samples 4 envelopes, 1 binder

SERIES 9 Albums, portfolios, and various materials 8 folders

SERIES 10 DM sources, Volunteering. Major Donors 2 folders, 3 envelopes

SERIES 11 Portfolios Lega del Filo D’oro, Amnesty . . . 1 folder, 4 envelopes

SERIES 12 Trend Letter Periodicals collections . . . 2 folders, 3 envelopes

SERIES 13 Historical material samples 1 folder, 4 envelopes

SERIES 14 Mailing Samples + IP and attachments 3 folders e 1 envelope

SERIES 15 Communication courses 2 folders, 3 envelopes

SERIES 16 Acquisition and management mailings 5 envelopes, 1 folder

SERIES 17 Articles and newsletters 4 folders, 1 envelope

SERIES 18 Research, Sources, and Training 7 envelopes, 2 folders

SERIES 19 Mailings from abroad, presentations 3 folders, 1 envelope

SERIES 20 Initiatives aimed at companies 5 folders

2.3 State of conservation

Well preserved.


3.1 Bibliography and documentation


4.1 Special notes and reports

Most monographic material was not listed in the national SBN catalogue. This was particularly enriching for our catalogue providing us with valuable resources not easily accessible to scholars who focus on these fields.




Gaetana Lo Presti